
 It is a queer historian, that knows not history. Mary Lefkowitz  in her book ‘Not out of Africa,’ complains that Black Scholars refuse to have a debate with her and accuse her of being a racist and the leader of the Jewish onslaught! If the woman doesn’t know that the Jew is neither a Israelite or a Habiru; what hope then is there, for her to know any realistic history? I usually find, a Scholar or historian who is unaware of basic history, is simply spouting revisionist clap trap that inspires hostility in a time when many of us have ceased to accept diatribe in place of a historical record. History teaches unchangeable facts; firstly, Western Europe as we know it today, was only civilized in anno domini 43. Secondly, the Britons, French, Germans, Spanish and Portuguese, were not and are not, the descendants of either ancient Greece or Rome. These are facts. As the Black Professor George GM James, pointed out before he was murdered; ancient Greece had nothing of mathematics, science, or anything, until after Alexander the Macedonian or Greek, invaded  and conquered ancient Egypt. Indeed the very fact, that the ancient Greek received literacy from the Black Canaanite renamed Phoenicians, tells a tale of backwardness prevalent in Europe, in a time when numerous ethnic races were  literate. Both Greek and Italian  history  record their ancestors arrival from over the Caucasus Mountains, demonstrating that the Caucasians now present in these Greece and Rome, had Slavic ancestors. These facts are usually omitted from the historical record: The fact that Europeans are not the inventors or creators of writing and literacy, the hallmarks of civilized peoples. Consequently, if they could not even write, how could they teach without either books or schools? Recording facts, as outlined by ancient and antiquitos  historians, does not make us Afrocentric, it merely means our interest in real history stems not from racist or egoistical origins. The Black race does not have to be the first to do this or that, we have no agenda to diminish the accomplishments of other races, or marginalize them and relegate them to slave and servant classes as the Europeans have done with detrimental consequences not only for the Black race, but for the whole world. A cursory look at history from the European perspective, demonstrates quite plainly, that their revisionist saw history as being only of Caucasian origin. Did the Caucasian German geologist Karl Mauch  not attribute the African Shona Kingdom to Caucasians? Was the Shona Kingdom and fifty surrounding ruins not pillaged from 1897 -1900? Did Leo Frobenius not conceal the Ife history that proved a connection with classical Greece? Did the Portuguese not rename the Black east African vaMwenye, Moors, and were these not renamed Arabs to confuse the historical  record? Was the cultural heritage of Africa not carted off to Europe by Caucasians, who then lied to allege all they produced were masks? Were the Black Habiru Israelites discovered all over the continent of Africa, not concealed so Caucasians could pretend to be them? Did Lhote not draw Caucasians among these Original Ancient Black Habiru in-order to conceal the fact, that Caucasians are not the original Habiru? Were the Black civilizations created in China by Black people not concealed from the Caucasian European  historical record? Was it not alleged by Caucasian historians that the origins of Chinese history was correctly attributable  to Slavs?  Are Black People not depicted in most Caucasian histories as slaves or servants? So lets not pretend, that Caucasian historians and scholars cared for the truth  and were not motivated by a racist agenda when it came to ethnic histories that were superior to their own. The fact is, modern Caucasian European historians appeared revolted by the fact, of any history that did not include them, and were anxious to present themselves as being responsible for all civilizations and therefore the beneficiaries of all the credit, for accomplishments and achievements they did not deserve or ever have the right to bask in. For the same reasons it was important to them to lie and deceive us all, it is important to the descendants of these Black civilizations to receive the recognition and praise, for their ancestors accomplishments, for whom they are the rightful beneficiaries. Therefore when a individual like Mary Lefkowitz  howls, “I’m not a racist!” She should do so by acknowledging the consistent racism past and present, prevalent in the recounting  of Black history, which has given rise to the resentment and hostility toward individuals who do know better, but still attempt to flog us their patent lies by creating the pseudohistory now widely believed to be real history.  Lefkowitz states that; “The ancient Egypt described by Afrocentrists is a fiction.” Without explaining that the Ancient Egyptian Badari, Hamagians, Napta-playa, Canaanite, Nubians, Aborigine and Minoans were all Black races. She does not, because she cannot, explain why Caucasians are not present in any ancient Egyptian cave art! The Black race did not make up these Black tribes, who are well documented by ancient and early European historians, who thankfully were good enough to furnish us with abundant consistent images of Black races. How did Lefkowitz miss these??? But shes not a racist!!!


Introduction: The Quality of Argument


Lefkowitz states that the library in Alexandria was built after both Alexander and Aristotles day! In fact she goes so far as to say, Aristotle never visited ancient Egypt. Black Professor George GM James articulates it thus:


“The history of Aristotle’s life, has done him far more harm than good, since it carefully avoids any statement relating to his visit to Egypt, either on his own account or in company with Alexander the Great, when he invaded Egypt. This silence of history at once throws doubt upon the life and achievements of Aristotle. He is said to have spent twenty years under the tutorship of Plato, who is regarded as a Philosopher, yet he graduated as the greatest of Scientists of Antiquity. Two questions might be asked: (a) how could Plato teach Aristotle what he himself did not know?; and (b) why should Aristotle spend twenty years under a teacher from whom he could learn nothing? This bit of history sounds incredible. Again, in order to avoid suspicion over the extraordinary number of books ascribed to Aristotle, history tells us that Alexander the Great, gave him a large sum of money to get the books. Here again the history sounds incredible, and three statements must here be made.

(a)   In order to purchase books on science, they must have been in circulation so as to enable Aristotle to secure them. (b) If the books were in circulation before Aristotle purchased them, and since he is not supposed to have visited Egypt at all, then the books in question must have been circulated among Greek philosophers. (c) If circulated among Greek philosophers, then we would expect the subject matter of such books to have been known before Aristotle’s time, and consequently he could not be credited either with producing them or introducing new ideas of science. Another point of considerable interest to be accounted for was the attitude of the Athenian government towards this so-called Greek philosophy, which it regarded as foreign in origin and treated it accordingly. Only a brief study of history is necessary to show that Greek philosophers were undesirable citizens, who throughout the period of their investigations were victims of relentless persecution, at the hands of the Athenian government. Anaxagoras was imprisoned and exiled; Socrates was executed; Plato was sold into slavery and Aristotle was indicted and exiled; while the earliest of them all, Pythagoras, was expelled from Croton in Italy. Can we imagine the Greeks making such an about turn, as to claim the very teachings which they had at first persecuted and openly rejected? Certainly, they knew they were usurping what they had never produced, and as we enter step by step into our study the greater do we discover evidence which leads us to the conclusion that Greek philosophers were not the authors of Greek philosophy, but the Egyptian Priests and Hierophants.”

Consequently, Aristotle could not have been the father of philosophy, if the philosophies existed before his time, which they did. Black Scholars are so disgusted by their Caucasian counterparts, that the feeling really is to leave them to play with themselves as we record real history:

“According to history, Pythagoras after receiving his training in Egypt, returned to his native island, Samos, where he established his order for a short time, after which he migrated to Croton (540 B.C.) in Southern Italy, where his order grew to enormous proportions, until his final expulsion from that country. We are also told that Thales (640 B.C.) who had also received his education in Egypt, and his associates: Anaximander, and Anaximenes, were natives of Ionia inAsia Minor, which was a stronghold of the Egyptian Mystery schools, which they carried on. (Sandford’s The Mediterranean World, p. 195–205). Similarly, we are told that Xenophanes (576 B.C.), Parmenides, Zeno and Melissus were also natives of Ionia and that they migrated to Elea in Italy and established themselves and spread the teachings of the Mysteries. In like manner we are informed that Heraclitus (530 B.C.), Empedocles, Anaxagoras and Democritus were also natives of Ionia who were interested in physics. Hence in tracing the course of the so-called Greek philosophy, we find that Ionian students after obtaining their education from the Egyptian priests returned to their native land, while some of them migrated to different parts of Italy, where they established themselves. Consequently, history makes it clear that the surrounding neighbors of Egypt had all become familiar with the teachings of Egyptian Mysteries many centuries before the Athenians, who in 399 B.C. sentenced Socrates to death (Zeller’s Hist. of Phil., p. 112; 127; 170–172) and subsequently caused Plato and Aristotle to flee for their lives from Athens, because philosophy was something foreign and unknown to them. For this same reason, we would expect either the Ionians or the Italians to exert their prior claim to philosophy, since it made contact with them long before it did with the Athenians, who were always its greatest enemies, until Alexander’s conquest of Egypt, which provided for Aristotle free access to the Library of Alexandria.The Ionians and Italians made no attempt to claim the authorship of philosophy, because they were well aware that the Egyptians were the true authors. On the other hand, after the death of Aristotle, his Athenian pupils, without the authority of the state, undertook to compile a history of philosophy, recognized at that time as the Sophia or Wisdom of the Egyptians, which had become current and traditional in the ancient world, which compilation, because it was produced by pupils who had belonged to Aristotle’s school, later history has erroneously called Greek philosophy, in spite of the fact that the Greeks were its greatest enemies and persecutors, and had persistently treated it as a foreign innovation.” [George GM James P’hd; ‘Stolen Legacy]. We certainly believe that Professor James was murdered by the authorities for telling the truth. It is also significant, that it is not possible to obtain the unrevised books he recommended:

“The Intellectual Adventure of Man” and “The Egyptian Religion” by Professor Henri Frankfort and “The Mediterranean World in Ancient Times” by Professor Eva Sandford.

So Professor James is murdered, his thesis was concealed for decades, and the books he recommends are removed from public circulation with the original images! And we are Afrocentric?

The fact of the matter is this, we can prove that Caucasians envied other races history and stole it. To admire another peoples history is all well and good, for this will  not lead to that history being concealed, suppressed or whitewashed and attributed to another race altogether.

Just to be clear, Diogenes Laertus describes the Phoenicians as, “tall gaunt and Black.” Today, revisionist works say tanned! Despite this, there are sufficient extant works, that prove indisputably, that the Canaanites and the Phoenicians constituted a single Black race; with the  Carthaginians also referring to themselves as Canaanite – And we all now know these too were a Black race. Something that was concealed from the European history books for the longest time. [Interrogati rustici nostri  quid sint. And they reply, Chanani: Augustin. Ep. ad Rom. Opera].

If its one thing I hate, it’s a Scholar or historian, who has failed to study anything other than revisionist history. Then armed with this crap, consider themselves qualified to criticize those who have actually put in the work that is research, because the racist agenda insists these who keep the lie alive, should be paid.


Chapter one: African History Is Not A History of Masks Or Slaves



The lost wax process disappeared around the 3rd millennium BC. It was plainly described as lost for good reasons. [Larousse encyclopedia].


The African god Bes was exported to Ancient Egypt and beyond.


African red slip and other pottery was exported to ancient Greece


The Phoenician goddess Ashera was exported to ancient Greece and  renamed medusa by revisionist




Predynastic and dynastic Ancient Egyptians


Dogon cultural beliefs were stolen from Africa and we see their fish god reappear in ancient Rome and the present day Vatican


Samarra renamed Sumeria and its Black Mesopotamian original inhabitants


Euripides Sibylline Oracle of Canaan renamed Phoenicia, [Libya] and exported to ancient Greece  and Rome


Gilgamesh depicted Caucasian when known to be Black

The list of course goes on and on, so it is no small wonder that Black Scholars and Historians no-longer wish to entertain their devious Caucasian counterparts. I studied history in South-America, [Guyana to be precise], and always had a good opinion of myself and my race because I thought the history I studied was replicated in all history books and everyone was aware of the accomplishments of the Black race. Imagine my surprize when I read European history and discovered  that ancient Egypt was purported as Africa!!! And a European place of origin. That the Caucasians of Briton, [named after their savage progenitor] were being depicted as English!!! And Caucasian. I understood from this, that these Caucasians are our enemies. A friend wouldn’t treat us so.


King Cosroes,590-628 BC [Cambridge University]


Holy King Kasper, [15th Century] Progenitor of the Hapsburg Bloodline and Emperor of the Roman Empire

So we the Black race don’t want to hear any more shit from racist Caucasian historians who omit our Black history whilst shrieking “We’re not racist.” King Kasper could not have been a King in a Europe dominated by a Caucasian elite. This is a fact. The vaMwengy or Moors, could not have brought, and made Europe the centre of a cultural revolution if Caucasian Europeans had any culture to speak of! And the son of Septimus, Karakala/Caracalla could not have looked like the statute below if his parents were Caucasian. European historians never bother to mention these facts:


Karakalla/Caracalla son of Septimus National Museum of Greece

 Mrs Lefkowitz says: “Was Socrates black? Was Cleopatra black? I shall show that there is no evidence for thinking so.”

The woman should get out more!!! I would recommend a trip to the British museum, then onto Greece!!!


Cleopatra V11 [British Museum] Provenance; Cabinet des Medailles at the Bibliotheque Nationale



Now pardon me for asking, but didn’t the Romans introduce the bath to Britain, France and Germany? Now how the hell can you call yourself civilized if you don’t even know about personal hygiene??? Who could this Europe Civilize when their own roads, villages and towns had to be built by foreigners, after they were made subject peoples to a Roman invasion in anno domini 43. Africa, China and India were already veteran civilized peoples by the time Europe got her turn. I will spare you the Roman description of the peoples it found in Europe.

Perhaps if Lefkowitz was aware that the term Semite was only coined in the 18th Century, she would have refrained from classifying the Canaanites renamed Phoenicians as  Semitic!!! Better still had she actually gone to school with the intention of learning all her lessons, she would  not have emerged as a educated jackass.


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