
In examining African Religions, one must bear in mind, that it has hitherto been viewed from a racist perspective, bent on declaring it primitive, barbaric and its beliefs and religions the notions of savages.  Africa’s religions have consequently remained unexplored, improperly investigated and far more troubling, deliberately altered then concealed, to foster a belief in our Continent being both dark and bereft. It was not in the interest of European colonist to attribute religious laws to African tribes where these were found, especially when they indicated a Habiru Israelite familial connection or Spiritual and Mystical lores equal to any on earth. Consequently  when we are told that the Mutongoi  tribe are prohibited from eating pork, we must question the historians interjection that “only ‘half’ of the tribe are prohibited from eating pork.” Traditional medicine is often relegated to witch craft and so forth, however, we now know that numerous seeds and plants possess cures for a myriad of ailments – interestingly, when the Chinese use animal parts in their medicine, its called ‘traditional Chinese medicine!!!’ And herbal treatments!!! So you can see what kind of spin was put on it when found in practice in Africa. I seriously doubt that medicine men were called for snake bite as this author whom I recommed alleges; having lived in Africa and South-America, I can report that the poison from a snake is sucked out by anyone present with no trip to the doctor being necessary.


A KAMBA Tribe Location: A triangular stretch of land in East Africa roughly 90 miles from East to West and 150 miles from North to South which is roughly bounded on the West by the Uganda Railway from Mtito Andei to Kiu Stations; from Kiu the boundary runs North as far as the east slopes of Chianzabi, the name it is known by to the A Kamba, Donyo Sapuk  by other Tribes.

ORIGINS: The A-Kamba of Ulu have a legend that they originally came from a country to the south of Kilimanjaro. The A-Kamba is considered the purest race of Bantu dwelling in East Africa.



 (i) The A-Kamba of Ulu or Ibeti (Ulu means highlands).

(2) The A-Kamba of Kibwezi or Kikumbuliu. Both of

these are administered from Machakos Station.

(3) The A-Kamba of Kitui.

(4) The A-Kamba of Mumoni.


POPULATION: In the 19th century approximately 250,000


RELIGION: The A-Kamba believe in a supernatural God who lives in the sky called Engai or Muhungu. Aiimu is the soul which when it departs, causes the person to die. The A-Kamba believe that Muhungu communicates with people through the soul which enables them to Prophecy. The Aiimu communicates in dreams. Stories are used to communicate morals and values.

MARRIAGE CUSTOM:  The dowry is means tested.if a young man sees a girl he fancies he will talk to her now and again, and eventually tell her he wants to marry her. If she acquiesces his father goes to her father and asks him if he agrees and if he does then the youth’s father returns with a present of two goats ; this ratifies the bargain. Four days later the young man’s father again visits the girl’s father and takes a present of  four goats and some native beer and this time they agree about the dowry to be paid for the bride. The richer the bridegroom the greater the dowry he will pay: a chief will pay 100 goats or more whereas a poor man would only pay 40 goats or even less for the same girl.

Writing: The A-Kamba have ‘Musai’ staffs upon which has been found pictographs and script.

LAW: A comprehensive Criminal and Civil Code was discovered among this tribe: Unnatural offences, [sodomy] are unknown between men but occasionally with women, they are punishable by a fine of one ox which is killed and the woman is purified by being rubbed over with the contents of the animal’s stomach.

DISEASE: Although  a great portion of their country is malarious one hears very rarely of the people suffering from this disease ; no traces of filariasis were observed and except in the immediate vicinity of alien settlements venereal diseases appear to be absent.

DENTISTY: The A-Kamba have practiced dentistry from remote times along with ritual circumcision, it is recorded, and I do not believe it; that the A-Kamaba are the only tribe in Africa that chisel their teeth into sharp points for unspecified and unrecorded purposes unknown as a tradition. It is more likely that the teeth were filed prior to capping, that the European historian could not bear to note. Instead, he records that at the time of the ritual male circumcision, teeth are chipped! Again no reason is offered for such a bizarre custom.

MUSIC: Mbebe/type of violin. Harp, Bamboo  flute instrument with gourd attached, Drums of various sizes and shapes. Whistles,


COMMUNICATION: Pipes or whistles are made from the horn of a small buck, are called Nguli and Zomali if made from wood. These transmit news at long distances by the Nguli. The equivalent of a secret services are the only persons able to understand the code of signals used in the transmission of news by this instrument.





INDUSTRIES: Iron and Copper works including collecting and separating the ore and smelting it. Hammers, Knives, Axes, etc. Gilding, Jewellry, Pottery, Three legged stools engraved with a eight pointed star, Wicker baskets, Snuff Bottles, Tweezers, Poison, Bows and iron tipped engraved arrows: Beer made of sugar cane, and Honey beer fermented by the fruit of the Kigelia. Bee-keeping and honey extraction.  Beeswax manufacture, Leather aprons, Sugar, Corn flour.




Recommended book reference: Ethnology Of A-Kamba And Other East African Tribes.  C.W Hobley, 1910